*Some of the students do not know they have Autism or a disability. Please make sure the dancers do not write or discuss that.
*CHANGE: Do not make the letters too busy. Stick to writing them a straight forward letter introducing yourself to them and inviting them to the Winter Showcase. Keep colors and fonts to a minimum.
*Be personable!! Things you can tell them: age, what school you go to, favorite subject in school, if you have siblings or a pet, why you love dance, any other activities you might be involved in, etc etc etc
*You can put the letter in an envelope but do not seal it. Write the students name on the envelope.
*Bring them to class this week and hand them in to Victoria and Shauna!!!
Horizon students 2019-2020
From P.S 133
Ms. Goodman
Students who are speech and language impaired
PS 133
Ms. Goodman (A.P.)
Ms. Pearlman ( Speech Teacher)